Forest Mapping / Data Analysis
MAPS specialises in Forestry mapping. This involves detailed mapping from Aerial Photography, whether it is sourced from us or outside companies. We have a comprehensive library of photography and maps of Forestry Blocks throughout the country.
MAPS works with many Forest Owners, Managers, Consultants, Valuers, and Insurance Assessors throughout NZ to provide accurate area information for a host of purposes.
Our experiences of detailed mapping include:
- Accurate areas for contractor payments. (No conflict of Interest ).
- Stand Windthrow / Fire damage for Insurance payouts ( No conflict of Interest )
- Wind Farm Resource Consent mapping
- Maps for planning new development, roading, harvesting and silvicultural operations
- Plot locations
- Pest and disease control
- Recreation
- Search and Rescue
- Valuations
- Due Dilligence for new acquisitions. Net Stocked Area mapping or sampling
- Wood flow Analysis Mapping at a Regional or National Scale. ie Age classes, distances from Mills / Ports